Reports & Submissions

May 2024

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May 2024

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May 2024

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ETU 8 Point Plan

April 2024

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ETU Submission: Residential Electrification

October 2023

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ETU Submission: Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill 2023

September 2023

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ETU Submission: A Fair Approach to Free Trade Negotiations

September 2023

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Joint Union Submission: Offshore Renewable Energy Area – Southern Ocean Region off Vic and SA

August 2023

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ETU Submission: Federal Safety Commissioner Review

July 2023

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Joint Union Submission: Offshore Renewable Energy Area – Pacific Ocean Off the Hunter

April 2023

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Joint Industry Submission: National Strategy to Achieve Gender Equality

April 2023

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ETU Submission to the Commonwealth Attorney General’s Department’s Review of the Privacy Act

March 2023

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ETU Submission: Safeguard mechanism reform

February 2023

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ETU Submission: National Electricity Objective Reform

February 2023

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ETU Submission: Australian Skills Guarantee Discussion Paper

January 2023

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ETU Submission on Australian Apprenticeship Services and Supports consultation

December 2022

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ETU Submission to the Minister for Home Affairs on the Security of Critical Infrastructure (Critical infrastructure risk management program) Rules

November 2022

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ETU Submission to the National Electric Vehicle Strategy Consultation

November 2022

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Tomorrow’s trades to power Australia’s future: skills shortfall policy document

September 2022

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Climate Change Bill 2022 and the Climate Change (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2022 (Submission 63)

August 2022

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Unions submission -Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Regulations

April 2022

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ETU Submission to the Attorney General’s Department Review of the Privacy Act 1998

March 2022

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ETU Submission to the PJCIS Inquiry into the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2022

March 2022

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ETU submission to Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) Review of the Regulatory Framework for Metering Services (the Metering Review)

October 2021

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Report: Nowhere to go: Barriers to participation resulting from inadequate workplace amenities for women in male-dominated occupational industries

August 2021

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Report: Offshore Wind Energy in Australia

July 2021

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ETU Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties Inquiry into the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement 

April 2021

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ETU Submission in response to the Discussion paper – Improving Industry Engagement and Reforming Qualifications in Vocational Education and Training

February 2021

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ETU submission to the Education and Employment Legislation Committee inquiry into the Fair Work Amendment (Supporting Australia’s Jobs and Economic Recovery) Bill 2020 [Provisions] 

February 2021

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Automatic Mutual Recognition of Occupational Registrations: Exposure Draft Legislation

February 2021

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ETU Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence and Security on the Review of the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2020 

February 2021

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Climate Change (National Framework for Adaptation and Mitigation) Bill 2020 and Climate Change (National Framework for Adaptation and Mitigation) (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2020

November 2020

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Electrical Trades Union of Australia response to the NSW Productivity Commission Green Paper – Continuing the productivity conversation 

September 2020

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ETU Submission – Response to Consultation Paper and Draft Rules – Interim REZ framework

September 2020

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ETU Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties Inquiry on Certain Aspects of the Treaty-Making Process in Australia in respect of trade agreements

July 2020

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ETU Submission to DFAT – Five-year Post-Implementation Review (PIR) of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA)

July 2020

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Electrical Trades Union of Australia response to the Productivity Commission Interim Report into the National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development

July 2020

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ETU Submission – Senate Select Committee on COVID-19

May 2020

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ETU Submission – Wage Theft is a Business Model

March 2020

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ETU Submission to Select Committee on Temporary Migration

March 2020

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Senate Inquiry – Treasury Laws Amendment (Putting Members’ Interests First) Bill 2019

July 2019

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Joint Standing Committee on Treaties Aspects of the Peru-Australia Free Trade Agreement revisited

October 2018

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Submission to the Senate Inquiry on the Customs Amendment TPP-11

September 2018

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ETU Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Electric Vehicles

August 2018

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Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2018 (Cth).

July 2018

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ETU Submission to AEMC Consultation on generator three year notice of closure

June 2018

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Australian Energy Regulator – Queensland 2020-25 – Preliminary FA

May 2018

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Submission to Joint Standing Committee on Treaties on the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership

April 2018

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Submission to the Senate Economics Reference Committee on Corporate Tax Avoidance

January 2018

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