Tomorrow’s trades to power Australia’s future

Australia’s future is bright, but only if we have the workforce to light it.

Our skills plan will combat chronic skills shortages, train the workforce that will deliver our energy future and maximise the benefits of the energy future for all Australians.

Stop the cuts, not the power

Cutting electricity maintenance is a danger to our homes and communities.

Let the politicians know you support changing the system to make sure essential electricity maintenance is funded.

No future for nuclear

Nuclear is not a solution to our energy needs. It is dangerous, costly, creates toxic waste and has the potential to take us down the path of devastating weaponry.

Join the campaign to keep Australia nuclear-free.

The ETU is a union of more than 60,000 electricians, apprentices and electrical workers around Australia.

We campaign to raise wages, improve conditions, secure safety and improve life for all Australians.

Latest updates from ETU