About ETU

The Electrical Trades Union (ETU) is a union of more than 60,000 electricians, apprentices and electrical workers around Australia. We campaign to raise wages, improve conditions, secure safety and improve life for all Australians. For over 100 years we have delivered for our members and used our collective strength to achieve industrial, political and social results.
The work we continue to do will leave a strong legacy for future generations of working people and the broader Australian community.
We deliver by:
- improving working conditions and defending rights of electrical workers
- maintaining an empowered, organised and connected membership throughout the country
- forging strong bonds with like-minded organisations
- engaging and campaigning at all levels of society, from the grassroots to parliament, on issues that matter.
Our values
We are:
- accountable to members
- open, democratic and representative
- determined to act in our members’ interests.
Delegates (sometimes called shop stewards) are your union representatives on the shop floor and are:
- Directly appointed by a State Branch (Electrical Division Rules 30.1); or
- Elected by a ballot of financial members in a workplace (Electrical Division Rules 30.1.3), where there are 4 or more financial members employed at a workplace.
The duties of the delegates shall be to:
- act as a representative of the union on a work site;
- recruiting new members;
- report industrial conditions and claims of members to the ETU offices;
- notify the ETU office of arrival or departure of members and any change of address of members; and
- in some instances receive members contributions on behalf of a ETU branch and ensure that all members are financial.
Occupational Health and Safety Representatives (OH&S)
An OH&S representative is your union spokesperon on all matters regarding occupational health and safety on the shop floor. Like delegates, OH&S representatives can be appointed directly by a state branch (rule 30.1.1). Where there is one or more members employed on a worksite, an OH&S representative may also be elected by a ballot of financial members (rule 30.1.4).
The duties of the OH&S representative are to:
- represent members on matters relating to OH&S in a workplace
- report to and consult with the ETU Branch Secretary, the delegate and members on all matters relating to OH&S
- take such action as deemed necessary to achieve a safe working environment for members.
Please note OH&S representatives also have rights under Occupational Health and Safety legislation. Please check with your state branch or the national office for further information.
Authorised by Michael Wright, ETU National Secretary
Suite 408, Level 4
30-40 Harcourt Parade
Rosebery, NSW 2018
State branches
Every ETU member is part of a state branch. Visit your state branch below.