National Amenities Survey 2022
Many of our workplace amenities are inaccessible, unhygienic and don’t have the basics like running water, toilet paper, soap or sanitary bins. These are challenges that white collar workers rarely face.
The ETU and CEPU want to know what your amenities are like at work. Please do this 2 minute survey – and you’ll also go into the draw to win one of six $50 Westfield e-vouchers. We’ll use the overall results to fight for improvements to amenities in our workplaces.
So what are you waiting for? It’s time to be brutally honest!
The survey will close on 25 October so please complete it quickly.
Your individual answers will remain completely confidential, and the survey is open to both union and non-union electrical, plumbing and communications workers.
If you’re not a union member, we encourage you to join here.
Voucher winners will be chosen at random and contacted via email.