The Electrical Trades Union has warned a landmark review of Australia’s higher education system could fail its objectives without clear voices from the vocational skills and training sector.
The Albanese Government’s review will focus on opportunities for better alignment between vocational education and training (VET) and universities.
The ETU has welcomed the higher education review and its focus on VET-university collaboration.
To unlock the potential for post-secondary education, the Panel will need to engage strongly with VET industry participants.
A ministerial reference group chaired by Education Minister Jason Clare will advise the panel. Its composition will be announced before Christmas.
“This review is a great idea which, with the right stakeholder engagement, will be able to achieve meaningful collaboration between vocational and university education.” said ETU Acting National Secretary Michael Wright.
“Rapid technological change and a major skills shortage makes collaboration between universities and vocational education and training more vital than ever.
“For that to succeed, the experiences of students navigating both of these systems needs to be central to the conversation.
“We need to support greater engagement and alignment between the VET and higher education systems, to do that the panel needs to listen to a comprehensive range of voices, including union representatives for students in vocational skills and training.
“We’re keen to engage with the panel given our members’ invaluable knowledge about the VET system, and how it can be reformed.”