The Net Zero Economy Authority (NZEA) Bill has now been passed by Federal Parliament. It is now law in Australia. This is a massive win for ETU members after a decade-long fight to make sure we have a fair and just transition to a clean energy future.
The Authority will support workers with training and redeployment and will create resilient regional economies with well-paid, safe, and secure jobs.
This win is the culmination of years of work by ETU members to make sure workers in coal communities have a real say in their future and can help shape their transition from coal to renewable energy.
Jason Sladden is an electrician working on a coal fired power station. He is a staunch ETU member and was elected as a workplace delegate in 2003.
In April this year, Jason, along with National Secretary Michael Wright, travelled to Canberra to attend a speech given by Greg Combet to launch Australia’s Net Zero Economy Agency. An important step in the process for the NZEA to become law.
“The ETU has lobbied Federal Parliament to setup a National Transition Authority to oversee the transition from coal and gas electricity generation to renewable energy generation. From the outset I was involved in meetings with firstly Labor Shadow Ministers, then Federal Crossbenchers and now current Government Ministers. The purpose of these meetings was to outline our reasoning for a National Transition Authority to be out in place. This was primarily to ensure that the protection and welfare of workers and their communities was front of mind for all decisions that would affect them in a transition.”
Jason shares why it’s crucial that workers in coal communities are involved in shaping their working future to ensure a just transition.
“These Coal fired generators have been to backbone of the Australian economy for decades. Being a fixed industry, the wages, and conditions in their EBAs have been able to be gradually bettered through a stable and fully unionised workforce over decades. Many of these wins over the years have translated across the electrical sector and to other sectors. It makes sense to help a strong unionised workforce to move into highly skilled and good, well paid union renewable jobs, where workers can continue to build on those conditions.”
This win is about respect and recognition of energy workers and their communities as we transition away from coal.
These workers have literally kept the lights on for all of us and they deserve a fair and prosperous future.
The NZEA will help to ensure that no worker is left behind.